Barry Buelow WØIY
Candidate for Iowa Section Manager
Why I Am Running
Amateur radio has been a passion of mine since 1966, offering lifelong opportunities to learn, grow, and connect. As a USAF veteran, I value the importance of service and community. Now, I feel called to give back. Our clubs are the backbone of the amateur radio community, vital for fostering growth, training, and collaboration. By strengthening these clubs, we can ensure a thriving, enduring community for future generations.
Vision for the Iowa Section
Amateur radio faces challenges, especially in engaging younger generations. As Section Manager, I aim to help Iowa clubs thrive as hubs for learning, mentorship, and community-building. Collaboration is key—whether through shared resources, virtual training, or in-person events. I will encourage clubs to support one another, empowering them to share expertise, coordinate events, and solve problems together.
Emergency communications (EmComm) are crucial, requiring regional collaboration. Iowa clubs should unite to enhance readiness through Simulated Emergency Tests (SETs), charity events, and local races. ARDEN (Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network) highlights the need for standardized protocols to maintain interoperability. Adjacent clubs should participate in exercises and community events. My goal is to foster a connected network of individuals and clubs working toward shared purposes.
Leadership Experience
In my career, I’ve developed leadership skills managing complex projects. At Collins Aerospace, I led a team performing Safety Analysis for Boeing’s 787 cockpit displays program and was Program Manager for VHF and 900 MHz data radio development. I coordinated a multi-million-dollar national communications network bid, honing skills in project management and team collaboration.

In amateur radio, I’ve served on committees for the ARRL National and chaired Midwest Division Conventions, organizing volunteers and activities across multiple teams. These roles sharpened my ability to guide teams efficiently and collaboratively. I know how to treat volunteers!
My Commitment to the Iowa Section
If elected, I will prioritize communication, collaboration, and growth. I
will support clubs with training, shared best practices, and resources to overcome challenges. Together, we can build a vibrant, resilient network
of clubs prepared for tomorrow’s challenges while honoring amateur
radio’s rich traditions. I am dedicated to giving back to a community that has given me so much and look forward to serving as your Section Manager. I will not appoint myself to, nor will I assume any position for which there is a qualified applicant.
Together, WE
can ensure that Iowa’s amateur radio community remains strong, connected, and ready for the future.
Thank you for your support,
Barry Buelow WØIY barry.wØiy@gmail.com

History with Amateur Radio organizations
- Vice Chairman of USAF MARS at Hickam AFB Hawaii. Good buddy KØDAS was chairman.
- Past president Great River ARC, Dubuque, Iowa. now WØDBQ
- Past Treasurer Cedar Valley ARC (CVARC), Cedar Rapids, IA. WØGQ
- Served as TAPR BBSSIG moderator
- Past Secretary of Story County ARC, Ames, IA. WØYL
- Served as an officer of Central States VHF Society.
- Served on the organizing committee for ARRL National Convention held in Cedar Rapids.
- Chairman ARRL Midwest Div Convention.
- Volunteer with CVARC support for local community activities such as Cancer Walks, etc.
- Active in DX Contests from NØMA, WØIY, NØMMA
- Speaker at the first ever KiCon Convention 2019 in Chicago. (for supporters of KiCad)